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Revision as of 03:19, 27 April 2014 by Tom Neiser (Talk | contribs)

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Hello there, weary web traveller!

Course Notes

The following links collect to useful info for core courses EM 210B and StM 215A.

Comprehensive Exam Preparation

The list below collects questions and answers to previous comprehensive exams:

Fall 2012

Fall 2011

Fall 2010

Fall 2009

Fall 2008

Spring 2008

Fall 2007

Spring 2007

Fall 2006

Spring 2006

Fall 2005


PhysWiki is an educational initiative that strives to collect, organize and permanently present information relevant for UCLA's core graduate exams. To contribute comp solutions, you can scan your answer using the CamScanner App, email it to yourself as .jpg and then upload it using the "Upload file" link in the left panel of the wiki (no HW solutions will be accepted). To discuss content on a page, feel free to use the chat feature in the top right corner of the page (next to the search box).

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