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The logo and favicon of this non-commercial wiki is in the public domain and was retrieved from [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AThe_University_of_California_UCLA.svg Wikimedia Commons]. Please contact the site administrator if you have questions regarding trademark and copyright issues.
The logo and favicon of this non-commercial wiki is in the public domain and was retrieved from [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AThe_University_of_California_UCLA.svg Wikimedia Commons]. Please contact the site administrator if you have questions regarding trademark and copyright issues.
The feature "Login with Facebook" is there to stop spambots, who are rather anti-social fellows and therefore don't have a Facebook account<ref>Spambots are prolific users employed for a certain product's search engine optimization, so loose login features will allow a Cambrian explosion of users and their articles on vitamin supplements. A quick look at the number of visits to the main page will show such an explosion during this website's young years without morals or protection. </ref>. As a non-profit site, none of your surrendered information will be used commercially.
The feature "Login with Facebook" is there to stop spambots, who are rather anti-social fellows and therefore don't have a Facebook account<ref>Spambots are prolific users employed for a certain product's search engine optimization, so loose login features will allow a Cambrian explosion of users and their articles on vitamin supplements. A quick look at the number of visits to the main page will show such an explosion during this website's young and naive years. </ref>. As a non-profit site, none of your surrendered information will be used commercially.

Revision as of 21:18, 6 June 2014

The logo and favicon of this non-commercial wiki is in the public domain and was retrieved from Wikimedia Commons. Please contact the site administrator if you have questions regarding trademark and copyright issues.

The feature "Login with Facebook" is there to stop spambots, who are rather anti-social fellows and therefore don't have a Facebook account[1]. As a non-profit site, none of your surrendered information will be used commercially.


  1. Spambots are prolific users employed for a certain product's search engine optimization, so loose login features will allow a Cambrian explosion of users and their articles on vitamin supplements. A quick look at the number of visits to the main page will show such an explosion during this website's young and naive years.
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